Published Papers

Cain, J. A., Simonian, N., & Reggente, N. (2024). Towards Focused Ultrasound Stimulation for Enhancing Meditation: A Study on the State-Dependent Effects between Novices and Experienced Practitioners. OSF Preprint (In Review)

Cain, J.
SMART FUS: Surrogate model of attenuation and refraction in transcranial focused ultrasound. 2709587882 bytes (2022) doi:10.5068/D1QD60.

Cain, J. A. et al. Ultrasonic Deep Brain Neuromodulation in Acute Disorders of Consciousness: A Proof-of-Concept. Brain Sciences 12, 428 (2022).

J Cain*, AI Luppi*, LRB Spindler*, UJGórska*, D Toker, AE Hudson, EN Brown, MN Diringer, RD Stevens, M Massimini, MM Monti, EA Stamatakis**, M Boly**, the Curing Coma Campaign and its contributing collaborators. Mechanisms Underlying Disorders of Consciousness: Bridging Gaps to Move Towards an Integrated Translational Science. Neurocritical Care. Accepted. *co-first authors **co-senior authors.

Cain, J. A., Visagan, S., Johnson, M. A., Crone, J., Blades, R., Spivak, N. M., Shattuck, D. W., & Monti, M. M. (2021). Real time and delayed effects of subcortical low intensity focused ultrasound. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 6100.

Cain, J. A., Spivak, N. M., Coetzee, J. P., Crone, J. S., Johnson, M. A., Lutkenhoff, E. S., Real, C., Buitrago-Blanco, M., Vespa, P. M., Schnakers, C., & Monti, M. M. (2021). Ultrasonic thalamic stimulation in chronic disorders of consciousness. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 14(2), 301–303.

Iglehart, C., Monti, M., Cain, J., Tourdias, T. & Saranathan, M. A systematic comparison of structural-, structural connectivity-, and functional connectivity-based thalamus parcellation techniques. Brain Struct Funct 225, 1631–1642 (2020).

Bratch, A., Kann, S., Cain, J. A., Wu, J.-E., Rivera-Reyes, N., Dalecki, S., … Crystal, J. D. (2016). Working Memory Systems in the Rat. Current Biology, 26(3), 351–355.



